Nagios 3 Enterprise Network Monitoring

Including Plug-Ins and Hardware Devices

Syngress, ISBN #9781597492676

Nagios 3 book cover

Nagios VMWare image

This re-release of the Nagios VMWare image includes the following software:

When you start the VMWare image, all information needed to login and access the image is displayed on the login screen of the VM image. Once you have logged in and determined the IP address of the virtual machine (it is set to use DHCP by default) you can access the main page of Nagios, which includes links to the README wiki on the image, webmail, nagtrap, and PNP, by navigating to http://ip.address.of.image/nagios. The username and password needed to access the Nagios home page are shown on the login console for the image when it has booted into multi-user mode and is ready for login.


Do not run this image on an Internet-facing computer nor use a routable IP address for the virtual machine. It is designed to be easy to access and use so it is not hardened from a security perspective. By downloading the image you accept all risk and/or liability associated with running it. While we will answer questions you have about the image and do our best to correct any problems you find with it, we make no guarantees about it's utility or fitness for any purpose.


Read-Only User Patch

Derrick Bennett has been maintaining a Nagios patch since release 2.x that allows a Nagios administrator to give very limited anonymous access to the Nagios CGI programs; the patch disallows the read-only user from seeing operator-supplied comments or from taking any action from the Nagios GUI.

Download the Nagios Read-Only User patch

About The Book

The focus of the book is on integrating Nagios into larger organizations; in the book we discuss the following topics related to Nagios:

The book was published in May, 2008. We worked hard to make this not 'just another basic how-to install / paraphrase of documentation' book. We had a lot of fun writing it and we hope that those of you who read it find it to be both educational and useful.

The authors on this book are:

Everyone on the team made this a very interesting project. Each of us had something useful to add and we all had different approaches and views of Nagios; the variety of views make this book very interesting. We also delivered a tremendous amount of writing and code to Syngress in a very short time and everyone pulled together to meet deadlines in a very amicable and professional manner.

Special Thanks

Our list of thank yous to people who did not make it into the acknowledgements in the book.

The Team

We would like to thank Andrew Williams, Matt Cater, and Brian Sawyer of Syngress for their help during and after the publication of the book, their support is very much appreciated.

Max Schubert

Douglas Hussey, who set up two SunONE LDAP instances on his own time at home, populated them them with LDAP data, and gave me access to his network so I could write and test the LDAP scripts used in this book. Thank you, sir.